


Aluminum, aluminum processing, recycling, processing methods, processing technologies


The aim of the article is to study the specific features of these methods, studying the technological process of production methods of aluminum, the level of recycling of which is increasing every year. Aluminum is present in about 8 percent of the Earth's surface. For the first time, the use of aluminum in industry began in 1886 using the electrolysis method. The production of aluminum by processing the ore containing aluminum is called primary processing, and the production of recycled amulinium by using the aluminum obtained as a result of this processing is called recycling. While the process of primary production of aluminum is a process that requires a lot of investment and pollutes the environment more, recycling is a process that requires less costs and has a relatively low environmental damage, which increases the scale of aluminum recycling every year.

As the theoretical and methodological basis of the research, aluminum remanufacturing methods and scientific-research works reflecting the technological process of these methods and concrete facts were analyzed. During this study, the topic was thoroughly investigated, using mathematical analysis methods, pictures, tables, and graphs.

The main scientific innovation put forward is that the development of technology is of paramount importance in improving the specific methods of the aluminum recycling process, and the impact of the recycling process carried out with the help of these methods on environmental pollution occurs at a lower level. The drop in costs, in turn, has an impact on the price of aluminum products.

The result of the study:

- In large consumer countries, effective measures are being taken against global warming and CO2 emissions, as a result of which recycling, sustainability and industrial emission reduction have become increasingly one of the priorities in the commodity market;

- Under such conditions, aluminum will continue to stand out as a much superior material than all alternative materials, and its consumption will increase;

- As the aluminum sector prepares for this new era, the certification of recycling processes must increase its competitiveness by developing its capacity and technology, as well as yield for a clean environment.




How to Cite

TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF ALUMINUM RECYCLING METHODS. (2024). Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Technical Sciences, 331(1), 395-399.