


forklift, high pressure hoses, hydraulic drive, failure, wear


Forklifts are widely used for cargo transshipment in seaports. Their integral part is a hydraulic drive, the widespread use of which can significantly improve the operational characteristics of loaders. The introduction of hydraulic drives can significantly improve the performance of forklifts. The widespread use of which is due to a number of advantages: relatively small dimensions and weight, smooth running, the ability of the working fluid to compensate for shock loads, etc.

However, during the operation of loaders in the port, the negative impact of factors leads to a deterioration in the operation of the hydraulic drive. In particular, an increase in the working pressure, the presence of cuts on the surfaces, delamination of rubber layers, and braid breaks lead to a decrease in the durability of the sleeves [1,3,4,5]. As the experience of operation shows, even today for machines with higher reliability, the problem of sudden failures of high-pressure hoses has not been solved. Ensuring the reliability and durability of hydraulic drives is a complex and complex task, the solution of which involves a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the causes of malfunctions, analysis of the impact of operating factors on the technical condition.

Analysis of studies has shown that despite the continuous improvement of the design of the hydraulic drive, the reliability of its components remains low today. Moreover, each loader requires an individual study, since its operation is affected by certain operating conditions, geometric, physical and mechanical parameters of the components. 24 forklifts with a load capacity of 10 tons were selected for research. The loader survey was conducted once every 3 months for 3 years. In addition, visual inspection and inspection of hydraulic systems, brakes A was carried out by the loader driver before and after the start of work.

Analysis of the obtained data showed that the most common type of failure of hoses is failure due to rupture.. The number of failures in winter is significantly higher than in summer, which can be explained by the negative impact of low temperatures on the physical and mechanical characteristics of the hoses. Premature failure of the sleeves is a consequence of poor-quality crimping and a small depth of the fitting in the sleeve during their manufacture. When studying the destroyed high-pressure hoses using an electron microscope, it was found that the mechanism of destruction of the reinforcing layer wires is fatigue.



How to Cite

RESEАRCH  OF THE RELIABILITY OF HIGH-PRESSURE HOSES IN THE OPERATION OF FORKLIFTS IN SEAPORTS. (2024). Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Technical Sciences, 331(1), 339-342.